The timing for our escape cannot have been better. The house is neatish and cleanish (the best I can hope for in a household with three children) in preparation for my sister and her family to come over in the early evening. We had successfully kept the kiddos off screens all day so we wouldn’t feel guilty about plugging them into a Christmas movie before our company arrived. This will keep the kids busy for close to two hours, not only saving the house from being ransacked before people arrived, but also having the added benefit of allowing PM and me some alone time. I get them settled, grab a coffee, and head upstairs in search of my husband.
I find him enjoying his late afternoon coffee in our bed, sitting against the headboard and watching television. We watch for a few minutes while we fuel up for the night ahead. “You wanna mess around?” I ask. “Or do you want to just rest for while?” I know he has a late Christmas Eve service to conduct, and with family coming to visit beforehand, I‘m not sure if his introvert-self needs the people break.
“I’m fine,” he replies as he pulls me over to straddle his lap. Lazy, coffee-laced kisses grace my mouth and neck before he strips me down to just my panties. He begins by cupping my breasts and rolling my nipples between forefingers and thumbs. His mouth takes one hand’s place, and he pulls my hips tight against his, encouraging me to rock against him. As he bites and pulls and I dry hump his growing bulge like a horny teenager, his hand slips around my hip and behind my thigh and he lets his fingers massage and tease the sensitive skin at the juncture of my thigh and core. I moan in response and nibble and lick his neck and shoulder, rocking my hips with greater intensity. He slides his teasing fingers under my panties, running them along my valleys and peaks.
As the intensity between us grows, he shifts me off his lap and onto my back and begins to shuffle his body down the bed. I quickly check the clock — I know the kids will be fine and occupied but there are things that still need to done before my sister arrives. “We’ve got 40 minutes before the oven needs to go on,” I inform him as I set a timer on my phone. Better safe than sorry.
“Perfect. Plenty of time,” his voice low and husky as he slips my panties off my hips and down my legs. I can’t help but moan, and he hasn’t even started yet. I force myself to forget the clock and what has to be done a little later, which will absolutely ruin this if I let it, and make myself focus on the moment as he wraps his arms under my thighs and shrugs one of my legs over his shoulder. I can feel the rough texture of his sweater on the skin of my thighs and hips, and I squirm impatiently. He presses his face into me and inhales, humming in appreciation. I squeeze my eyes shut at the sight. The man knows how to make a meal out of me, and my hips rise to meet his face, his nose ghosting over my clit.
I’m already feeling keyed up, but he starts slow, just how I like it, long strokes with a flat tongue along the length of my center but avoiding my clit for the moment. He nibbles and nuzzles my folds, and the feel of his raspy beard in contrast to soft lips and hard teeth is making me squirm and start to beg. There’s nothing like a slow build when it comes to oral sex, and I’m so glad he’s learned this lesson over the years, because he can now play me like a Stradivarius.
Damn, I love PM’s beard. My man has found the perfect length for his beard over the years to maximize my pleasure (or at least that’s how I like to look at it) — not so long that you lose the rough texture but a touch more than stubble, so that the scratch is softened a skosh. And when I look down and my oh so sexy PM pauses to lift his chin and give me a smoldering look, I all but combust right then and there. I run my fingers through his thick, wavy locks and then nudge him back to where I want him. And this time he knows to go straight for my clit.
His tongue makes slow circles, as he strokes my entrance with his fingers. My belly and thighs are already beginning to clench when he slips his fingers into my core. It’s not long before I’m begging him to increase the pace of his thrusts, and I’m shaking and thrashing, reaching for my peak. Mindful that we‘re on a bit of a time crunch, “Let me give you a break,” I whisper, and my fingers replace his tongue.
I can hear Two and Three laughing and whooping downstairs, but I focus on the finish line and chase it hard. The build-up had been so good, from the drawn out tease to his now hard finger thrusts, and I can tell that this peak is going to be intense. I’m moaning and blaspheming and swearing like a sailor, as I encourage him to keep it up, and when it hits me, I’m flying, sailing above my body. He knows to fuck me through it, prolonging my pleasure. When he finally withdraws he fingers, I smile at him with heavy lidded eyes.
A quick check of the timer and we’ve got 10 minutes left, but I know we could delay a bit longer. “Do you want to keep going?” I ask. I tell him we have another 15 minutes before I really need to go get ready. He tells me he wants to continue (after all, who knows if we’ll have time before his church service?), but he jumps up to run downstairs and preheat the oven for me. I laugh a little when I see he’s still fully clothed, and hot damn the man’s sexy, even when he’s completely covered.
When he returns, he quickly strips and rejoins me on the bed. He doesn’t waste any time and pushes my bent legs up to thrust in all the way to the hilt. He gives me a few long strokes before I tug on his shoulders and coax him up my body to straddle my torso. I grab his cock and run my tongue around the head before taking him in deep. I’m rewarded with a quiet groan, which fills me with glee, and I continue to go deep over and over while caressing him with my tongue. I pull back to lick and suck on his balls, and it’s not long before he’s panting and pulling away.
He quickly flips me onto my belly, pulls my hips up just a tad, and slides into me. I slip my hand underneath me and rub my clit as I meet his every thrust. Folding himself over my back, he kisses my shoulder and nuzzles the back of my neck. My core is so sensitive at this point that I can tell I could come again given enough time, and I can’t help but plead and beg.
He sets a steady pace and I can tell he’s torn between holding back to see if he can get me there again and just letting himself go, so I give him permission to take his own pleasure. It’s only a few more deep thrusts before I can feel his cock get that much harder, and his rhythm falters as he surrenders to la petite mort. He collapses on me and kisses my temple before he rolls off.
Unfortunately, time waits for no man, and there‘s no room for leisurely cuddling this Christmas Eve evening. “So let’s do this thing,” I say to try and psych us up for the night ahead as we both get dressed again to prepare for our visitors. I go to put my makeup on and try to ignore my flushed neck and face. Oh well — it’ll pass soon enough. I know I’ll enjoy spending Christmas Eve with my sister, but I’ll look forward to when PM returns late tonight and we can finally cozy up in bed for the night.
Opening gifts with the kids in the morning should be lots of fun despite the melee that will inevitably follow, but I’m hoping we can carve out some more “alone time.” We both have some sexy gifts planned for each other this year, and I can’t wait to play.
Happy Holidays!
And until next time, stay kinky 😉