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Slick and sexy: a product review of a CBD arousal oil

Writer's picture: akinkandaprayerakinkandaprayer

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

CBD sex products. Pipe dreams or the next best thing since the invention of the vibrator? Well, PM and I love our sex experiments — well, at least, I do but he seems happy to relax and enjoy the ride (heh heh heh) — and this week we tried out Awaken Arousal Oil, a CBD product by Foria. And I’m here to overshare with you, as always.

Fair warning: This post is going to fall somewhere between straight-up smut and product review. It is what it is. *shrugs* If you want more of a proper, no frills, no steamy details, type of review, this is not the one for you. Or if you really want to skip all the sexy stuff, you can skip down to the very last five or so paragraphs to get my abbreviated user summary. But trust me, the whole flaming-hot enchilada is so much more fun, in my opinion.


We have no affiliation with Foria, nor did we receive any form of compensation for this sort-of product review. It’s all just us, our sexy messy life, and our honest opinions.


Last week I talked about how PM and I love us some cannabis with a healthy helping of sex on the side. And while recreational THC is still less than legal in most states, CBD products are everywhere.

PM and I are lucky in that we‘re relatively healthy and pain-free, so I‘ve had little interest or motivation to look into the myriad of oils and creams and tinctures containing CBD (without the THC). That said, I know folks who swear by CBD oils for pain management. That people are finding safe, non-pharmaceutical ways to alleviate pain is a wonderful thing. But I’m here asking, what about sex?

About a week ago I came across an ad on Instagram for a CBD product made by a company called Foria, which claims to enhance female sexual pleasure. Me: Sounds friggin’ awesome! Let’s buy some!

Foria has several different intimacy products, including the Awaken Arousal Oil, Intimacy Melts (CBD suppositories for vaginal and anal use), and Intimacy Sex Oil (a CBD lube). I don’t suffer from any health issues that make penetrative sex painful, but the thought that a safe, plant-based product might make things easier for vulva-owners that do have pain issues makes me truly happy. But even though vaginal sex isn’t normally painful for me, I feel I actually did benefit from this feature, as you’ll see below.

After perusing their website and intimacy products, I ultimately decided to try Awaken Arousal Oil. And I’m going to honest. What got me excited was the following from the product description: it can “help you have bigger, better orgasms.” Yep. I like the sound of that.

Awaken Arousal Oil boasts “a unique blend of broad-spectrum CBD and organic botanicals” that when used topically, encourages increased blood flow, helps muscles relax, and can relieve discomfort. Basically it can help vaginal tissue become better engorged, making it more sensitive to pleasure and promoting natural lubrication. Sounds good, right?

The oil normally sells on the Foria website for $48, for a 30ml/1 fl. oz. bottle. Right now there’s a sale going on and you can grab it for $34. (Unfortunately, I bought before the sale started 🥺)

The list of ingredients are as follows: Organic MCT Coconut Oil; Organic Whole Plant Extracts - Hemp, Kava Kava, Cinnamon and Ginger; Organic Cardamom; Organic Peppermint; Wildcrafted Cocoa Absolute; Vanilla Absolute.

It’s vegan and gluten-free, as well as cruelty-free.

Note that since Awaken is oil-based, it's not latex-condom friendly. Foria recommends choosing condoms that are polyurethane, nitrile, or lambskin. It's also compatible with glass, silicone, stainless steel and other non-latex/non-plastic toys.

So let’s dive right into some smutty sharing, shall we?

PM and I had a rare afternoon without children in the house, and without any other errand or chore begging for our attention. PM sat with a coffee while I got myself prepped, that is, I oiled up all my lady parts till they were glistening like a bodybuilder.

I applied the oil liberally to my clit and vulva, and for good measure, squirted a dropperful right into my vagina. I figured, why not? ”In for a penny, in for pound,“ as they say. And I massaged it all in for a minute or two...or five, ‘cause that shit felt good, all warm and slippery on my nether regions.

It’s texture is a silky oil, as one would expect, without any stickiness. The smell is light and pleasant and matches its taste — a hint of peppermint, cinnamon, vanilla, with the tiniest bit of cardamom there, too. Not at all unpleasant, and in fact, it reminded me of my favorite flavor of ice cream that’s handmade at a local shop, which uses the flavors from an Indian dessert pudding. PM says it tastes like Moroccan mint tea. On top of that, it didn’t leave any odd sensations or numbing on the tongue. (Website says it “oral-friendly“ and “safe to digest.” Yee-haw!)

The instructions indicated to apply it at least 15 minutes prior to sex, and I wanted to be sure to give it the full chance.

I had used some on a previous night, but I consider it a failed experiment due to user error. PM was eager and impatient, and he ended up going down on me well before the waiting period was finished. And, of course, I wasn’t going to deny him the feast that he so clearly desired and which he so voraciously set himself to consuming. *winks* In any case, at the time I didn’t really notice any difference from typical pleasure sensations, and I’m just going to assume that he ingested more than my skin had the chance to absorb. 😆

This time I was determined we would not fail to follow directions. Since I had some time to kill, I even threw on a new bralette and panty set I had recently purchased. And damn, but my ass didn’t look fine beneath the see-through black mesh, with an adorable waistband of satin in a tartan print, a la Outlander.

Anyway, as we headed upstairs to the bedroom, I pressed PM about not being in a rush. His plans for the afternoon sans children had included a long bike ride, and despite my hope that we could have a bit of a Wake-Bake-and-Bone session, we went back and forth a few times before deciding that we’d have sex first and he’d take his ride afterwards. He assured me that he was not in a rush, and we would do this properly.

He knew that this was a product trial of sorts, and that my intention was to write about it. Of course, that didn’t stop him from eating me out so throughly the previous night before the oil ever had a chance to do what it claimed to do. But I can’t say I minded all that much at the time. *smirks and shrugs*

So… our time together now negotiated, he follows me upstairs, getting a lovely peek at my mesh-covered derrière, barely hidden by my short robe. We haven’t even made it down the hall and he’s already stroking and caressing my cheeks. Like I said, my backside is looking damn fine, and he tells me as much as he crawls up the bed after me.

I shimmy back to put my head on the pillows and he kneels beside me, sitting back on his heels as he takes me in. His eyes rake over my form, and there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips. What he’s thinking that fuels his secretive grin, I don’t know, but the smoldering look he’s giving me suggests he’s contemplating what it is he’s about to do to me. And I’m about ready to burst into flames already. *fans herself*

He lowers himself to hover over my torso, and his fingers play with the lace along the bottom of my bra as he begins to move his beard up and down my bare midriff. Now, I’ve talked about this man’s beard before, and I’ll say it again. Christ Almighty, he’s got the perfect length down to a science now, given all the ways he makes me writhe and whimper under his ministrations.

I really do have a short beard fetish, and I blame it all on him and his flare for using his in all sorts of naughty ways. I find it hard not to look at an attractive man in a beard and not think of what it might feel to have him rasping my inner thighs and slit. Yeah, PM has a created a monster. And, lucky for him, he gets to reap the consequences of my lust.

While he moves his face and lips and nibbling teeth over my sensitive torso, a wandering hand cups and kneads my breast. But that’s all the attention the ladies will get this afternoon, because his focus seems to be set on my lower half. Not that I’m complaining. He slips an arm under my hip and strokes my ass, slipping his fingers underneath the mesh. I squirm impatiently as his face makes its way lower.

He doesn’t slip off my panties right away, but presses his nose and mouth against my mound. He runs his nose up and down my slit, inhaling deeply before releasing a rumbly, “Mmmm,“ and I feel the heat of his breath and the vibrations from his utterance all the way to my core. He continues to stroke my ass, with his hand making a periodic sweep up my inner thigh, teasing the sensitive flesh at the crease between my thigh and center. I push my bra cup aside and pluck lazily at a nipple.

PM begins to mouth me through the lace and satin covering my most sensitive parts, and I‘m helpless to stop the bucking of my hips. His tease is oh so good, but I need more, goddammit. And his dark chuckle against my labia tells me he knows exactly what he’s doing to me. But he continues to tease, moving his mouth away from where I desperately want it, and uses his beard to rasp my inner thighs.

He moves his face back and forth, from inner thigh across my seam, now soaking through the plaid satin panel of my panties, to the other thigh. When he passes over my center, I can feel the prickly hair of his beard poking through the flimsy fabric. I whine and whimper a bit, and try to thrust against his face, more of a show than anything else because I know that he knows too well how much I love when he teases me with his beard.

I’ve dubbed this particular act the “Justin Trudeau,” or the “JT,” for short. Last summer, somehow the topic of Justin Trudeau’s COVID beard made a lengthy appearance on a text thread with my lady friends. It just so happens that my Preacher Man bears a striking resemblance to the handsome Canadian Prime Minister when he’s sporting a beard. *loudly exhales* Hot. As. Fuck. In my humble opinion. Not sure what Mr. Trudeau would think to know a sex move has been named after him, all because of his sexy beard, but I’d like to think he‘d be mortified…and secretly pleased. 😉

You know what else is resilient, Prime Minister? My pussy, when you abuse it with that sweet flavor savor. *eyebrow waggle*

Um…where was I? *clears throat* Back to my PM… Finally, I get a little of the attention I want when his nose nudges at my clit over the fabric. Another whimper and my pelvis jerks against his face, desperate for more friction. “Stay still,” he breathes against my crotch. The heat of his breath makes me give an involuntary squirm, and he moves a forearm onto my hip to hold me against the mattress. “I said, ‘Stay still,’“ he growls.

In what I can only assume is an intentional denial for my failure to stay put, he moves away from my clit and back to my left inner thigh, rasping and nipping. But it’s my more sensitive side, so at least I have that. I continue to tease my own nipple, shooting sparks directly to my clit, and I slide my other hand down the bed, underneath myself, to squeeze and pull at my ass cheek, desparate to add a little more sensation into the mix.

PM raises himself off me, and I lift my head to watch him, disoriented and feeling bereft for a moment as he shifts so that his shoulders are between my legs. His eyes connect with mine, and he holds my gaze as he hooks his index fingers into the waistband of my panties and begins to slide them down my hips. I lift my ass off the bed so he can slip them down my legs, and with a flick of my foot, I toss the soaked fabric over his shoulder.

He gives me a smirk as he parts my folds with his thumbs. I’m oily and slippery from the arousal oil, and he runs his thumbs up and down my inner labia a few times, holding me open. My slit is hot and throbbing, and I can’t help but let out a strangled sound. This is most sensation he’s given me so far, but it’s not nearly enough. He plucks at each labia majora for a moment, and I’m really trying not to whine. But when he moves his thumbs away from my seam to run them up and down along the crease of my thighs, and then slides his hand under by bottom to knead and squeeze roughly, I can’t help but beg. “Please,” I breathe.

I get no warning before he drops his head down and presses his tongue hard against my clit. His shows me no mercy with his assault, lapping my swollen nub over and over. It becomes clear that the tease is over when he abruptly slides one long finger deep into my core, followed almost immediately by a second.

There will be no shallow thrusts this afternoon. He means business as his fingers go deep over and over. I’m slippery from the oil, not to mention from his drawn out tease, so there’s no resistance. And while I would normally prefer to keep the deep strokes until later in a session, when we’ve been at it a while and I’m already closer to the edge, I’m finding I’m more than ready. And it feels so. fucking. good.

So he’s quickly gone knuckles deep, as he swirls his tongue over and over. His pounding of my core is rough and relentless, and I’m quite sure he’s brushing my cervix with his finger thrusts. And yet, I’m not experiencing any discomfort or annoying sensations that I sometimes experience with very deep thrusts if I'm not sufficiently aroused. I’m pretty confident that I can say that the oil has made a difference here. Normally I would not welcome a rough finger fuck with so little clitoral stimulation leading up to it. He takes me brutally, but I can only wail in pleasure. I’m building toward my peak very quickly.

His tongue begins to match the primitive possession of his fingers, and the room is filled with my profanities and blasphemies. At this point, I’m lost in a sea of pleasure, and I’m finding it hard to focus on and separate individual sensations, but I think he’s begun to suck on my clit. To the delicious pressure of suction he adds a flicking of the tip of his tongue, and I can’t stop my thighs from clenching around his shoulders. I’m panting as my toes start to curl and my back arches off the bed.

When I come with a shout, I swear I levitate off the bed for a moment.

My sex is absolutely drenched, and I’m expecting him to slide up my body, free his cock (still clothed in his jeans), and have his wicked way with me. In fact, I’m desperately aching for it. He pushes up in his elbows, kisses each inner thigh, and proceeds to stand and strip off his bottoms.

But this is an experiment of sorts after all, and so I ask, “How long have we been at it? Was that quick?“ I had very quickly lost track of everything but sensation and had no idea how long he’d been worshiping me. He checks the time and tells me it took me about 20 minutes of stimulation to peak. Not my absolute best, but still very, very good. Definitely quicker than usual. And it was so fucking intense. So, there’s that.

My sex is still throbbing, and I watch him hungrily and stroke my sensitive folds, teasing myself by dipping two fingers into my very wet channel. I’m ready for more.

But instead of pushing down his boxer briefs and joining me, he pulls out a pair of shorts, slips them on and opens the bedroom door. "Where the heck are you going?” I practically howl at him, as he turns to head into the hall. "I told you. I’m taking a bike ride. I’ll see you in a couple hours.”

”What?!” I‘m almost shouting, and I can still feel the pulse in my pussy, needy. “But I could totally come again. You can’t leave!”

“Sorry! Gotta go!” He gives me a cheeky smile and almost races out of the house. I’m left there, in disbelief, squirming, and contemplating whether I want to try to get myself a second finish. Ultimately, I let things stand as they are, but I have confidence I could have gotten another climax out it. 😑

That evening we try again. This time I notice that at about 5-7 min after application, I can feel my sex start to hum a bit. Arousal, hot and slick. About 18 min later and he starts to stroke me and thrust fingers into me, and it’s nothing but delicious pleasure. We’re on the couch together, and he shifts me, throws my calf over his shoulder, and dives in. And it is good. Like really good. Five minutes in and I can feel my belly clenching and thighs tensing.

But alas, when you’ve got three kiddos, interruptions are not uncommon. We both hear a bedroom door upstairs open and close, and we throw a blanket over me just in time to see One peeking around the corner. Bloody hell!

Once we’re confident One is settled back in bed, PM starts again. But I’m kinda feeling like the vibe is gone, so we switch to penetrative sex — one of our favorites, the Prone Bone — and I’m stroking my clit like a woman possessed. With a shout, I come hard, very very hard, around his cock. I lay there in a boneless state, not quite back in my body, for several minutes.

All in all it took me about 35 minutes, restart to glorious finish. Not a record. Not short, but not particularly long either. And there‘s the interruption to factor in, as well. But it was a quite intense climax, to be sure.

And as it was getting late, and we were both feeling the exhaustion of the day, we opted not to go for a second climax. I, instead, brought PM to a groaning, shuddering finish with my mouth.

I was hopeful that with any luck, experiment number 3 would shed some more light on how the oil was affecting me.

That was this afternoon, before I had to pick up the older kids from school. I put a stopwatch on this time to get a more accurate sense of how things were cooking. I’m not going to go into all the dirty details (this time), but I came with a scream after 14 minutes of getting eaten out. Now that’s damn close to a record for me with a partner. Definitely a record in the last 2 years.

What more, I felt extremely wet, more so than usual. No need for lube when PM slid his cock into me. And he seemed to enjoy this extra lubrication very much, if his groans were any indication. He later confirms that yes, I was practically dripping. He tells me it felt very good. I did not come again, but we were in a bit of a rush, and I told him to just have at it. So no second climax for me, again, but it was extremely pleasurable.

So after all that smut, the oral and the fucking, what do I think about Foria's Awaken Arousal Oil?

I like it.

I mean, there's never going to be a silver sex bullet, a magical elixir that makes vulva-owners come with a snap of one's fingers (although don't get me wrong –– finger-action is very, very nice. A must, really). But I do think it helped.

I definitely felt warmth, felt more sensitive, could feel a lovely throbbing. I was also dripping wet, without any need for additional lube. And as I indicated above, I found I could take deep, cervix-brushing thrusts fairly quickly into our sesh, without any discomfort. It smells great and tastes lovely, and I could go about my day afterwards without a sticky crotch. (I didn't notice any staining on my panties from residual oil.)

I can’t say for certain after only using it three or four times, but I do think I climaxed somewhat quicker than usual, and the orgasms themselves were pretty intense. I don't know if we'll break out the bottle every time we get down and dirty, but I think it's a great addition to our sexual toolkit, if you will. I would recommend vulva-owners giving it a try and seeing if it works for you.

I hope you enjoyed my smut-laden product review of Foria's Awaken Arousal Oil with CBD. And I'd love to hear if any of you have experience with CBD sex products, or if you plan to give a product a try. Leave a comment and let me know, or just drop a note to say hello!

And here's a link to get 20% off the products at Foria, if you'd like to try their Arousal Oil, Intimacy Melts, or anything else. (I'll get a corresponding coupon for 20% every time someone uses my referral link.)

Until next time, stay kinky 😉

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